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21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, Jan 2 - 22
Prayer Gatherings during the Fast
Join us on Saturdays, 6:00pm inside Rustbelt. January 7, 14 and 21 for corporate prayer.

Week 2 Devotions
Day 8 Fasting 101
Day 9 In the Moment
Day 10 Super Power
Day 11 Hope
Day 12 Food
Day 13 Peter
Day 14 Church Service, 10am

Week 1 Devotions
Day 1 Mark 1:1
Day 2 Stand up and Move
Day 3 Receive
Day 4 Sacrifice
Day 5 Quiet Time
Day 6 Vulnerable
Day 7 Church Service, 10am

Week 3 Devotions
Day 15 Greatly Beloved
Day 16 Lord of the Rings
Day 17 Sin is Sad
Day 18 Remain
Day 19 The Basics
Day 20
Day 21 Church Service, 10am

Corporate Prayer Focus for 2023. Jesus as the center of it all. All He wants is YOU to surrender. Raise a all ways, worship Him, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Prince of Peace. Emanual. My Provider. My all in all. Almighty God.
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